
Anul şcolar 2015-2016
Limba engleză – Clasa  a VI a
Numele şi prenumele elevului: .......................................................................... clasa: .................
Data susţinerii testului : ............................
  •  Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acordă 90
de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
  • Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.
PARTEA I                                                                                                                      (60 de puncte)

1. Circle the correct answer.                                                                                         (5x1p=5p)
1.  George …… work last week.
                        A   didn’t            B doesn’t                  C   wasn’t
2.  “Is Harry here?”   “Yes, he………..a computer game in his room.”
                        A    is playing           B    plays           C    play
3. There aren’t …….chairs in the kitchen.
A    some        B    any                        C   lots
4. The doctor told Graham that he ……... smoke.
                        A   mustn’t      B     doesn’t have      C    won’t
            5. “………. the man in the red jacket?”  “That’s our teacher of Maths!”
                        A   whose        B who’s                       C   who 
2. Put the adjectives in brackets in the comparative or superlative form:             (5x2p=10p)                                               
1.     Manchester is a big city but London is………………………. (big).
2.     The countryside is ……………… (clean) than the city, because there aren’t so many cars.
3.     The Amazon is the ………………..………...  (long) river in the world.
4.     Tom Cruise is one of the ……………………..….….. (popular) actors in the world.
5.     Flying is expensive, but it is the ………………………. (fast) way to travel.
3. Underline the correct word in bold:                                                                         (5x1p=5p)
            1  There isn’t many/much sugar in this tea.
            2  How many/much biscuits would you like?
            3  There isn’t any/no milk left.
            4  How many/much bread do you need?
            5  We haven’t got some/any wine for the party.
4. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple, present continuous or past simple:  (10x2p=20p)
    1   Dad …………………………………… .. (wash) the car at the moment.
2   Paul ………………………………………(finish) school in 1996.
3   We ……………………………………… (go) to Spain last summer.
4   She ……………………………..…….…. (have) bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning.
5   Mary ………………………………....…. (write) a letter to her parents yesterday.
6   What .……………………..………..…… (Tim/do)  now?
7   The Smiths …………………………..…  (buy) a house two years ago.
8   It often ………………………..………...  (rain) in winter.
    9   Where……………………………….…... (you/go) on holiday last summer?
   10  He …………………………………….... (not like) classical  music.
5. Read the sentences below about green turtles and make questions whose answer is the underlined part:                                                                                                             (5x2p=10p)      1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………                Green turtles live in warm oceans.             2…………………………………………………………………………………………….                    They have got a shell to protect them.
            3 .……………………………………………………………………………………………
            They eat fish and plants.      
             They lay about 100 eggs at a time.     
             They live for about 50 years.     
6. Fill in the gaps using the following words:                                                         10x1p=10p)   heavily, luck, cottage, feathers, complexion, experience, view, outdoors, abroad, loud.
1   There was a(n) …………..……... noise coming from upstairs, so he went to see what it was.
2   Secretaries don’t work …….……………..; they work in offices.
3   I’m not going to travel……………………..this year because I don’t have enough money.
4   We had a spectacular……………..…….of the sea from our hotel balcony.
5   People from northern Europe have fair hair and a pale ……………….... .
6   Penguins have got ……………….… keep them warm in the cold weather.
7   Ion Creanga lived in a small …………………..…. in Humulesti.
8   The wind was blowing and it was raining …………..…….….. outside.
9   Helping people who are in need can be a very meaningful ……………………. .
10 Tomorrow is my final test so wish me ………..………                
PARTEA a II-a                                                                                                                   (30 de puncte)
Use the notes below to write a short story for a story competition.         (10-12 lines)
Pete stay up late that night - lots of homework - everybody else in bed - hear a noise – so - get up - go and see - walk upstairs to attic - Pete open door slowly - two eyes look at him from inside attic - a monster ?- Pete scared - turn on lights - his cat Pinky - Pete laugh - take Pinky in arms

It was a cold Monday evening. Pete ……

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